A Creative Reintroduction

It’s been a busy few years, though the both the world and the industry have gone through some major changes. Here’s a catch up on what I’ve been up to!


- I’ve spent two years working on the Hulu/Freeform show, Good Trouble, playing Jenna Perez, a young woman caught under the manipulative spell of a cult leader. Her brother Joaquin (Bryan Craig) is in active pursuit of taking the cult leader, Silas, down and rescuing Jenna from his psychological hold on her. The final season aired at the beginning of January so stay tuned Tuesdays 10/9c or stream on Hulu!

- I lived in Rio for almost a full year working on a show called Reis (Kings), where I played King David’s favorite wife, a wise and pious young woman who suffered domestic abuse from her previous marriage. It was set in biblical times, was my first period piece, and it was completely in Portuguese. We worked 6 days a week, with 13-15 pages of heavy scene work daily. It was one of the most demanding projects I’ve ever worked on, and also one of the most rewarding.

Jenna and Joaquin Perez (Bryan Craig)

Abigail Serie Reis (Kings)

Set of Reis in Rio, Brazil

**Directing Experiences:**

- After directing multiple music videos and shorts over the years, I finally took the leap into feature filmmaking, and am weeks away from finishing ALL of post on my psychological thriller. I co-wrote, directed, and starred in the film. The process was very challenging and rewarding, and I’m looking forward to sharing the film.

**Music Magic**

-I have so much music to release this year! I worked with Brazilian producers, as well as some of my favorite producers and creators here in LA. My music taste is very eclectic and this reflects in my music. Ballads to Rock, to R&B to Pop, to Jazz to Lo-Fi. Stay tuned :)

**Building a Creative Studio:**

-My dream had always been to have a space where I could explore all of my creative mediums, a place where artists, creatives, innovators, dreamers, could come together and share their stories, network, and expand past their creative limitations. So I built a 4000 square foot creative studio in downtown Los Angeles with a group of wildly talented artist friends, called Dream Co. (@dreamco.dtla)

- Dream Co is a photography studio and creative playground, where we've hosted  immersive experiences, art shows, cultural events, workshops, and sat with directors and AI thought leaders from around the world to share their visions of the future.

- We’ve collaborated and spoken with incredible talents from directors Joe Penna (Stowaway, Arctic), Dave Clark (@afraid2sleep), fine artists like: Future Eyes (@futureeyes), Hans Valor (@hvalor), Shane Heath (@somanypossibilities) Miles Toland (@milestoland), Darkoski (@darkoski) Lina Mello (@linamello) just to name a few!

**Writing a Novel**

-Inspired by a year from hell, I took my emotions and turned them into a crass and defiant action thriller called Aim to Kill: An Assassin's Guide to Living about a badass female assassin who emerges from a suicide mission and returns to Berlin to enact unholy vengeance on those who plotted against her.

**Fashion and Art**

On top of the above listed mediums, I love to make fashion and art. I’ve never been great with a normal white canvas but I absolutely love to take existing items and retrofit them into something new or paint on top of them. From tuba sinks to disco toilets, journals to jean jackets, nothing brings me more joy than turning ideas to reality :)

I’m excited for this year, and everything that’s cooking.

Maiara Walsh